Copyright/Trademark/Trade Secret
A business’ website will usually contain multiple pieces of intellectual property, including images, trademarks, and other proprietary designs. These pieces of intellectual property may have been created by you or they may have been created by others. Often times web designers use stock images when creating a website or additional content for a business’ website. However, it is important that the use of intellectual property created by others is properly licensed prior to being published on your website.
For example, copyright licensing refers to the legal agreement where a copyright owner (such as an author, composer, photographer, etc.) grants a user (such as a publisher, distributor, or individual) permission to use their work in a specific way. This allows the user to use the work within the scope of the license, but still requires the owner to retain ownership of the copyright. The stock photos and videos on a website need to have the proper license in order to be used without infringing on a copyright.
Businesses often find themselves on the other side of a lawsuit for content on their websites when they fail to obtain the proper permissions for using copyrights and trademarks owned by others, as well as disclose trade secrets. The attorneys at the Karlin Law Firm LLP can help you navigate the risks of the content that is on your website. Additionally, the Karlin Law Firm can help protect your copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets with proper registration.
Contact the Karlin Law Firm LLP today for a consultation regarding the intellectual property on your website.