No one wants to experience an unpleasant surprise, particularly when it comes to a big purchase. For most people, one of the biggest types of purchases they will make during their life is a home purchase. Unpleasant surprises related to a home they purchased, such as the discovery of an undisclosed defect, could greatly affect a person’s ability to use the home the way they wanted to and their future ability to resell the home at a solid price.
There are laws in California aimed at preventing buyers from experiencing unpleasant surprises regarding a home’s condition. For example, under state law, there are disclosure requirements related to selling a home. For one, home sellers are generally required to disclose details about the home that could affect the current or future value of the home.
However, despite the presence of these laws, California consumers can still find themselves in a situation in which, after buying a home, they discover a value-impacting condition or fact that they felt should have been disclosed prior to the sale but was not.
California real estate disclosure law can be a very complicated area of law, and it can sometimes be less than clear for a home buyer who has discovered something about the property they bought whether they would be able to pursue a nondisclosure action. Thus, skilled legal guidance on one’s rights can be very helpful to a home buyer who is wondering if they were the victim of a failure to disclose.
Our law firm has decades of experience in real estate issues and has represented clients in all different kinds of real estate matters, including matters involving alleged nondisclosures. We can provide home buyers that suspect they were victim of a nondisclosure with information regarding what disclosure requirements are present here in California regarding real estate sales and what kinds of things constitute violations of these requirements. We can also assist home buyers that were subjected to a nondisclosure by a seller with pursuing their available legal options.