Best selling author Tess Gerritsen has sued Warner Brothers for breach of contract over their Oscar-winning space film "Gravity". According the Gerritsen, she had a deal with a subsidary of Warner Bros. for her book of the same title, "Gravity". While the...
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Entertainment Law
It’s Elementary: New Ruling Confirms That Character Copyrights can Partially Fall into the Public Domain, but Some Elements Can Remain Protected
When talking to a copyright attorney about what is in the public domain, you will often get the response "it's complicated". While anything published prior to 1923 is pretty likely to be in the public domain, anything created after 1923 is a bit more...
Court Rules Fair Use in “Jersey Boys”/ “Ed Sullivan” Matter
The 9th Circuit Federal Appeals Court have made a ruling in a case involving an Ed Sullivan Show clip in the musical Jersey Boys. The Court has ruled that showing a 7 second clip of Ed Sullivan introducing the music group that is used in the histrolically based...
Ray Charles Copyright Termination Lawsuit Could Have Big Ruling
In a lawsuit between the Ray Charles Charitable Foundation and Ray Charles' children, a big ruling may be coming soon. In the lawsuit, the Ray Charles Charitable Foundation brought a claim for Declaritory Relief that they are safe any alleged copyright...
How Content Providers are Adapting to the Use of Second Screen
Over the past decade, the emergence of smartphones, smaller laptops, and tablets has created a new phenomena being dubbed as the "second screen". Often people watch televisions and movies (at home) with one of their various other devices in hand or near...