While California real estate can be very valuable, many commercial real estate investors may want to search for opportunities in other states. Investors who want to buy low and sell high are looking for markets with reasonably priced properties that have a strong chance of going up in value. Many investors also search for areas that have a robust economy and strong job growth.
Cities that have good commercial real estate investment opportunities often have many different industries. A city that relies too heavily on one industry or just a couple companies may not have sustainable job growth. In Austin, Texas, the state capitol, University of Texas and many different businesses all contribute to a healthy economy. Properties in Austin are likely to go up in value since thousands of new residents move to the city every year.
Another city that has a lot of commercial real estate investment potential is Miami. Miami’s location attracts tourists and business travelers from Latin America and Europe, and the city is also a major hub for global shipments. In a city like Phoenix, commercial real estate investors can still find low-priced properties that are likely to go up in value. Phoenix is experiencing a lot of population growth, and many of the city’s residents are choosing to rent in the city center rather than buy homes.
A residential real estate investor may be able to earn a steady income by renting their investment properties out before they are ready to sell them. While earning rental income can help cover the cost of a mortgage, there are a lot of responsibilities that go along with being a landlord. An attorney may be able to help a commercial real estate investor with lease terms, property management and other rental issues.