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A certified access specialist can help your business

On Behalf of | Aug 19, 2020 | Business Law |

Business owners, landlords and residents of California might be interested in learning more about the role of the certified access specialist (CASP). They can help to ensure compliance with standards for disability access.

What is a CASp?

According to CASI, this person is tested by the state and certified. Business owners can voluntarily hire a CASp to insprect their buildings. They will receive an inspection report as proof.

The advantages of using a CASp

The CASp has a support system of other CASps that can answer their questions about a particular business. They can call on other CASps throughout California to ensure compliance.

One advantage for the business owner is that a business implementing recommendations of a CASP would be entitled to a 90-day hold on any legal proceedings. They are also eligible for an early evaluation conference.

Their training can help your business

Those who understand ADA law know the value of using a CASp to ensure that the business meets the disability access standards. Their contact with others who have experience with a variety of properties and businesses can be of value to your business. Their knowledge benefits your business and offers the assurance that requirements have been met.

If your business needs help with disability access as well as knowing if it meets the standards, you might consider the use of a trained CASp to ensure that your property and business are ready for all who want to visit and use your services or buy your products. Additionally, if you are in need of help defending a lawsuit regarding ADA compliance, you might consider consulting a lawyer.