A lot of people in California and throughout the country may be eager to get as much advice about selling their home as possible. However, it is important to understand that not all advice or insight is relevant to an individual’s situation. In fact, a lot of advice is considered to be outdated or only specific to certain regions of the country. For example, people may hear that they need to list their homes in the spring.
The truth is that listing in January can be ideal for those who are selling in warmer climates. Listing in the spring months could also mean facing more competition from other sellers. Those who are selling their homes could also benefit from ignoring the idea that a buyer will be found at an open house. Instead, serious buyers will likely want to see the home during a private showing.
Homeowners looking to sell their properties should list their homes at a reasonable price point. If comparable sales say a home is worth $500,000, that is what it should be listed at. Pricing a home too high can cause it to stay on the market for too long, and that could invite a less than market value offer from those looking to buy the property.
Selling a residential property could be easier with the help of a real estate agent and an attorney. An attorney may be able to review any offers received on a home to determine if the offer is in a seller’s best interest. Legal counsel may also be able to help resolve issues related to a home’s title or answer any questions a seller may have about his or her disclosure obligations. Resolving these matters could help a home sell in a timely manner.