Business Brokers
We are California Business Broker Attorneys and California Real Estate Broker Attorneys who represent Brokers, Finders, Buyers and Sellers of Businesses and Real Estate.
Our Attorneys and Lawyers will assist California Business Brokers, Real Estate Brokers, Buyers and Sellers regarding California Listing Agreements, Business and Real Estate Sales, broker fees, commissions and contracts, and breach of contract claims in Business sales and Real Estate Sales, including litigation, arbitration and mediation, and all other aspects of buying and selling a California business or real estate. We can also sometimes render similar assistance to our clients in other states, depending on the issue and terms of the agreement.
A business broker brings the buyers and sellers of private businesses together, acting as a finder of businesses and buyers. The same is true of a real estate broker regarding real estate. Often the sale of a business also involves the sale or lease of real property used by the business. In addition, a business broker and real estate broker will often assist a business buyer or seller with negotiating and facilitating due diligence and the ultimate sale. However, unless the contract or listing agreement with the Business Broker or Real Estate Broker requires these services, this may not be required, depending on a review of all the other facts and circumstances of the transaction. The agreement between the parties usually will set out the terms and conditions of the agreement with the Business Broker, Real Estate Broker, Buyer and Seller of a Business or Real Estate, but not always. There are multiple factors to consider. Since payment to the seller and to the broker or finder is typically conditioned (but not always) on the closing of a transaction, there are often disputes that arise between parties. We have successfully recovered millions of dollars for our business and real estate broker clients who were owed commissions or fees for their work in finding buyers and sellers. We have also successfully defended fee claims on behalf of business and real estate owners, as well as litigated and defended claims by business and real estate owners against buyers and brokers and claims by buyers against sellers, including claims for California breach of contract, specific performance and the filing of a California lis pendens in real estate purchases.
Click here to contact us for a confidential consultation.
We Represent Business Brokers, Finders, Business and Real Estate Owners and Buyers for All Kinds of Properties and Industries:
- Attorneys and Lawyers for California Commercial Real Estate
- Attorneys and Lawyers for California Industrial Real Estate
- Attorneys and Lawyers for California Multi-Family Real Estate
- Automobile Dealership Attorneys in California and other states
- Furniture Store Sales Attorneys in California
- Health Club Sales Attorneys in California
- Top-Rated Restaurant Sales Attorneys in California
- Franchisee Restaurant Sales Attorneys in California
- Manufacturing Companies Sales Attorneys in California
- Other large and small businesses
We have worked with clients involved in merger and acquisition transactions as attorneys and lawyers for business brokers, real estate brokers, finders, buyers, and sellers across the nation, including California, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Florida, Texas, Georgia, South Carolina, New Mexico, Oregon, and Washington, and many other states. If you are a business broker, real estate broker or finder needing an attorney or if you are a buyer or seller of a business or real estate involved in a merger or acquisition, or bulk sale or asset sale, you want an experienced attorney to protect your interests at all stages of the transaction. If you are an owner, buyer or seller of a business or real estate, our attorneys and lawyers can help you with the business purchase and/or real estate purchase or lease, including the law and legal issues and litigation reviewed by attorneys and lawyers regarding Business sale contracts and agreements, Real Estate Purchase Agreement, breach of contract in business sales and real estate sales, disclosure and non-disclosure in the business sale and sale of real estate, claims of fraud in the sale of a business and real estate, questions regarding due diligence in the buying or selling of a business and real property, and questions concerning listing agreements, due diligence in the sale of a business and real estate, business broker agreements and contracts, real estate broker listings and agreements, and finder fee agreements and contracts needing attorney review or advice.
We have over 30 years of experience as attorneys and lawyers representing business brokers, real estate brokers, finders, owners, and buyers and sellers of businesses and real estate throughout California and across the United States. We have a comprehensive understanding of the issues faced by business brokers, real estate brokers and finders, and buyers and sellers of a business and/or real estate and can help protect your interests.
If you are a business broker, real estate broker, finder, business owner, real estate owner or lessor, buyer or seller and want experienced attorney representation, click here to contact Karlin Law Firm LLP to schedule a confidential consultation.
We are open Monday through Friday, 8:30 am until 5:30 pm and our 24-hour answering service is available to handle matters at other times. Our Business Broker Attorney and Real Estate Broker Attorney office in Tustin, California is centrally located off the 5 and 55 freeways, near the Orange County airport’s industrial market. Our Business Broker Attorney and Real Estate Broker Attorney office in California is located on Pacific Coast Highway, off the 55 freeway, near Hoag Hospital.